Friday, December 26, 2014

What is the best Web Browser ?

What is the best Web Browser ???

The simple answer is that the software you use to view web sites like this one. Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari are some of the most popular there.

All browsers not the same?

No, not at all. Different browsers tend to show different places. Usually, maybe small differences that ignore us. However, some differences are huge - in which the images are not displayed, different fonts or different colors are used. The speed can be an important factor as well. Some browsers may display the web page much more quickly than others. Yes, it may just be a second or two, but all those seconds can add a lot of frustration too.

The security of the third component. Some browsers work hard to keep your information away from the wicked, but outdated browsers can make you more vulnerable.

Some popular browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

This is still the most used browser, but no longer dominate the market as before. Many people really do not like / trust / use IE, but the basic user will probably be fine if you keep the information updated. The problems begin to surface when using the web browser you are under 5 years trying to view web pages today. Almost always a number of users of Internet Explorer because it is included in the Windows computer. But the fact is that IE is generally not as quick or as safe as the other two methods.


This baby Apple, but is available for Windows users too. Like most Apple products, it looks really nice and very fast. I used a little, and I love it, but I still like Firefox the best.


Firefox is my browser of choice for many reasons in recent years. The greatest feature of all plug-ins (toys) you can from it. The new version is really fast and has many features that IE does not.

What do I learn from this?

If you cannot remember the last time they update your browser, you probably should. Likely to be surprised by all the new features, faster, and during comfort in knowing that you are at least do yourself a difficult target for criminals.

All rights so it will not cost you anything, but about 30 seconds of your time. My suggestion would be to go download Firefox and give it a whirl. I think you'll like it.

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