Sunday, December 28, 2014


 (Near Field Communication)

Near Field Communication, NFC often abbreviated, a technology that provides communication between devices in the radio range. Although the NFC technology is not yet widely available, it is integrated into phones and advertising campaigns and store cash points more intelligent. NFC allows the Smartphone user to communicate with their phone to another device with the NFC chip in the immediate vicinity. Using this technique, two Smartphone users to find contact information or files, or even play a game just two touch screen phones together.

Another use of NFC technology that retailers and consumers are happy to make a purchase by simply tapping the phone NFC device to a POS terminal. This eliminates the need to use a credit or debit card, which makes it easier for lost or stolen during the ordering process. Two NFC devices without touching a link, but it takes less than an inch and a half to the other and it is difficult for an entity to review the information to be transmitted. Furthermore, when used for the transmission of payment information securely and sends the encrypted data to further reduce the risk to others to steal information.

NFC chip can also be used as a passive and may possibly take place around QR codes other campaigns. Static NFC chip can be embedded in posters, displays, or almost anywhere. If the user's phone smart phone chip, the phone will collect information or files of the chip. This time, the communication is one-way, meaning that the chip phone data, but the chip gets the information of the phone.

Number of mobile phone service providers are trying possibilities of NFC technology, such as credit card companies, PayPal, and even Amazon. There are also some rumors on the integration of NFC technology in the iPhone of Apple 5. As more NFC smart phones, will see an increase in the number of businesses that use NFC technology to collect the payment and delivery information. If this technology becomes stronger, you will be able to leave your home every day just your Smartphone. No need to carry around bulky wallet full of credit cards, debit cards, smart cards and transport teams. All you need to do is to contact your mobile phone with the NFC device and set.

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