Friday, December 26, 2014



Joomla is a popular content management system that provides simple solutions to make and review all websites, from novices to hardcore IT professionals. To know more Joomla properly, you must first understand what a Content Management System or CMS. CMS library, which holds all your content, including text, video, music, photos and more in its history. Consolidation CMS has opened the way for a broader extensive experience in technology to own and maintain their own website. Joomla is one of the most CMS user-friendly and comprehensive in the world today.

Support sharing ... these are the basic features Joomla. Based on MySQL and PHP, designed for rigid frame and provides easy to use program. Besides the basic Joomla frame, if the user wants to create a more advanced version of the software, he can create a number of additions to make it more powerful.

An open source Joomla is open for research and development. Anyone can write on the Joomla modules which makes it more advanced and user friendly. These supplements line, via the website of the author of the add-on. For example, if a user creates a new design or theme to Joomla, will be available for download free of charge. But it is better to mention that not all articles on Joomla is free. The designer can create custom themes and paid. If any user wants to take advantage of the very theme, you need to send money to the specified design website creator before finally getting the title of his website.

Joomla works in a simple architecture to integrate your content and template (design and architecture) to make a website. This easy to use software that is embedded with various modules such as surveys, RSS feeds and other countries to make it more practical. The user does not need a lot of experience and knowledge of web publishing content via software.

Advantages of Joomla:

Open and free: Joomla open source and free CMS. The user can install and use without charge.

Easy to use: Joomla is very user friendly. There is almost no technical capacity required by software and web site development.

Examiner: Joomla, ranging from large online companies to nonprofit websites from the school website and personal web college.

Graphical interface: graphical user interface is one of the biggest advantages of Joomla over other contemporary CMS. This feature helps you to learn a little understanding of the software easily from the end user.

Advanced Features: Joomla has a wide range of advanced features such as bridges Application, Integrated e-commerce systems, communication tools, Data and reporting tools, etc.

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